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Reach Nepal Update


Test Your Knowledge by taking the REACH NEPAL QUIZ

  1. Nepal’s land mass runs east/west, and has a shares a four hundred mile long border withwhat two countries?
  2. The mountainous north of Nepal has ______ of the world's ten tallest mountains, including thehighest point on Earth, Mount Everest.
  3. Hinduism is practiced by about ______ of Nepalis, the highest percentage of any country 903406_105575526304310_864408337_oin the world.
  4. Nepal is a developing country, ranked ______ of 187 countries in 2014. It continues to struggle with high levels of hunger and poverty.
  5. Less than _______ of the Nepalese population is Christian.


Currently, we have $33,390.00 (668 verses) that have been selected.1157676_154314964763699_1242128106_n 

We still need 483 verses purchased!

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Answers :

(China & India)






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