Sunday  is Better with You!

As a volunteer you have a part in fulfilling the mission of South Shores: To grow fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. You can be a blessing to others as you serve the Lord.

Areas where you can serve:
  • Be on the front lines - From Parking Lot to Pew - WE NEED PARKING LOT ATTENDANTS
  • Share a Smile -  Welcome members and visitors to South Shores - Be a GREETER
  • Answer questions and provide info - Serve as a HOST in our Info Center Booth
  • Help members and visitors find a seat in the worship center - Become an USHER
  • Create a memorable worship experience - Join the TECH TEAM
  • Love to decorate? - The HOLIDAY decor Team needs YOU
  • Everyone LOVES donuts and coffee - help SERVE and make someone's day brighter
  • Join the TECH Team...we will train you!
  • Keep our campus beautiful and inviting.  Become a CREW member.  
  • Have the gift of hospitality? - SPECIAL EVENTS and your gifts are a perfect match
  • Available during the week? - The CHURCH OFFICE needs you in 4 hour shifts. 
  • #iliketopostandengage - scroll down and get SOCIAL with us