I have a bad feeling about this...

Do you ever have that feeling?

You know, where, even if things seem okay, there is something that is just a little off? Sort of like when you’re sick and food doesn’t taste the same. Or when your friend wants to talk, and you didn’t think there was a problem, but now the pit of your stomach is unsettled. But it’s not one of those things... it’s bigger.

You’re not as happy as you should be.
Life isn’t as meaningful as you’d hope.
Good things happen, but they only fulfill for so long.

Something’s not right.

Many people have this feeling. Some all the time, and some just during the in-between moments of our self-imposed busyness. It’s anxiety, but it is more than that. It is the acknowledgement that there is something off in the world, in relationships, and in you.

Granted, not everyone is willing to admit this and it is certainly not an enjoyable point of party conversation. But in the quiet moments, or when extended beyond our limits, the truth of it all is undeniable: something’s not right and we wonder if there is a solution. In one of our most theologically rich books of the New Testament, Paul writes Romans to help us understand the depths of our problem and our inability to solve it, as well as the hope and glory of the good news of what God is doing about these problems—what he has already done in Jesus Christ.

Since something’s not right, Paul helps us see that through faith in Christ, we can have peace with God: peace that transcends anything that might plague us. So, join us on Sundays and dig into this study on your own and with a group to better discover what is truly troubling us and what God is doing about it.