


Women’s ministry at South Shores Church has a long and blessed history of growing and supporting our church through prayer, special events, Bible studies and, personal relationships. 

Bible Studies & Groups

Women's small groups are the primary way we gather together throughout the year. Dedicated facilitators offer inspired and insightful studies for spiritual growth and biblical understanding for all phases of life.

Below you'll find some of our main groups, their meeting times, and contact information for each leader. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out our Women's Director, Linda Kohlhagen. 

The Gathering

The Gathering is for the women of South Shores to get together and study the Word of God. The group features small group table discussions, guided study materials, and guest speakers every session. In the media library are recordings from the "None Like Him" series and current sessions from our series in the Psalms.

Life Together

Life Together is a co-ed group across the generations of our multigenerational family. They are enjoying their stages of life together through fun activities, deepening their relationships, and renewing personal commitments to eternal values.  Contact Tara for more information on June's upcoming event! 916-996-6663.

GALS (Get a Life Sister)

GALS takes place on the second Thursday of the month at 11:00 am. It was started years ago by a circle of ladies who had lost their husbands. Today, GALS exists to serve, equip, and uplift all single ladies across the South Shores family.   Contact Sharon Davison for more information at 949-510-4332.

Knotty Ladies

The Knotty Ladies meet each week to knit and crochet chemo caps, lap blankets, and more for cancer patients. They are always looking for fellow knitters and yarn sponsors. Learn more about how you can get involved below!

Mothers of Preschoolers

Come join us for a special time, designed especially for uplifting and encouraging busy mothers of young children, while also providing your little ones with fun enrichment and big doses of God's Love!

The Path: Mentoring

The Path is a women's mentoring program run for and by members of South Shores. Mentors share their experiences with mentees who are seeking insight and encouragement to live a Christ-centered life.

There's More...

There are always more going on at South Shores. If you haven't found what you're looking for, let us know! We'd love to help you find your way into what God has for you next at South Shores. Each year our women host several special events or simply to celebrate what God has done in and for us. Everything from retreats, conferences, and even  social outings!