Read the Story from the Bible together as a family.
After you have read it, watch the Bible Story Video shown during the Sunday Kids Service. Questions will include conversations about the Bible story to allow you and your children to reflect on the biblical truth and share your thoughts about the video with each other.
Included are coloring pages, activity sheets, games, additional questions and ideas to engage with the Bible story further at home with your child.
Sunday, February 23rdTHE TWELVE DISCIPLES: Matthew 4:18-22; 9:9-10, 10:2-4; John 1:43-49
TALK ABOUT IT- How many disciples did Jesus have?
- What did the disciples give up to follow Jesus?
- Who does Jesus love?
Completely Loved
WHAT YOU NEED: Paper, markers, permanent and masking tape;
WHAT YOU DO: Place a piece of paper on the table and tape to secure. Use a marker to draw several hearts in a row on the butcher paper. Start a simple pattern on the heart.
SAY: On each of these hearts have a pattern started on them! Can you complete the hearts by following the patterns? Let’s go! (Pause.) You did a great job following the patterns on each heart to complete them.”
“Today we’re going to hear about Jesus’ friends. We call them the disciples. Let’s go hear all about them!”