Read the Story from the Bible together as a family.
After you have read it, watch the Bible Story Video shown during the Sunday Kids Service. Questions will include conversations about the Bible story to allow you and your children to reflect on the biblical truth and share your thoughts about the video with each other.
Included are coloring pages, activity sheets, games, additional questions and ideas to engage with the Bible story further at home with your child.
Sunday, January 19th
MARY, MARTHA, AND LAZARUS- John 11:1-3, 20, 28-36
1.Why were Mary and Martha sad?
2.How did Jesus help them? How did Jesus help Lazarus?
3.Who is always a good friend?
Love Spreads
What you need: Paper towels; red, washable marker; permanent marker; scissors; plastic bowl; plastic tablecloth; and water
What you do: If using full-size paper towels, cut paper towels in half to make rectangles. (Note: Inexpensive paper towels work best for this experiment.) Position the paper towel with the short edge at the bottom, and draw a large, red heart in the bottom center of the paper towel with a washable marker. Trace the outline of the heart with the permanent marker. Draw several (at least one per child) small heart outlines around the top of the red heart with the permanent marker. Prepare several more paper towels in the same manner. Cover the table with the tablecloth. Fill the bowl with approximately ½” of water.
“What do you see on this paper towel? (Pause.) That’s right—there is a big red heart and lots of little empty hearts around it. What do you think will happen if I dip the end of the paper towel into this bowl of water? (Pause.) Let’s find out. (Pause.) What happened to the heart I drew? (Pause.) Yes! The big, red heart filled the empty hearts! Let’s do another one! (Repeat as desired.) Amazing!”
Say: "Friends, Jesus loves you, and Jesus will be a good friend when you feel sad, when you feel happy, when you feel excited, and even when you feel afraid. Because Jesus is always a good friend! Who is always a good friend? Jesus is always a good friend.”