The Gathering

Your Next Favorite Women's Group

We have sessions in the summer, spring, and fall throughout the year. Tuesdays at 9:15am and Wednesdays at 6:15pm. During the fall and spring there is usually childcare available, but reach out to Linda Kohlhagen to find out what options might be available to you for the session you are wanting to attend. 

FULLY DEVOTED - Women in the New Testament Who Risked Everything to Follow Jesus
January 21 - April 9

Tuesday:  9:15am - 11am  |  Breakfast served
Wednesday:  6:15pm - 8pm  |  Light Dinner served

This study examines the lives of eight New Testament women who risked everything to follow Jesus. But the focus won’t be on retelling their stories and focusing on what we already know about them from scripture (although we will look at the basic details for context). Instead, with each woman, you will be challenged to imagine yourself in her place and examine her life with a fresh pair of spiritual eyes. To see them as Jesus did and look for similarities and character traits you can relate to and learn from. To become personally involved in each woman’s story and see it as a reflection of your own story.

These women walked with Jesus and met Him personally – physically and spiritually – or, in the case of two of the women, walked with people who were eyewitnesses to the life of Jesus or had personal encounters with Him after His resurrection and ascension to Heaven. Like our own stories, their stories matter and are part of the overarching redemption story of the Bible.

The hope is that you will immerse yourself in each woman’s story, getting inside her head and heart, and imagine what she saw, experienced and felt. Then, apply what you learn from these fully devoted followers of Jesus in your own life, so you may become more fully devoted followers too.

DELIGHT,  a Walk through the Psalms
2024 Summer Series Sessions

Past Sessions of The Gathering