Read the Story from the Bible together as a family.
After you have read it, watch the Bible Story Video during the Sunday Kids Service. Questions will include conversations about the Bible story to allow you and your children to reflect on the biblical truth and share your thoughts about the video with each other.
Included are coloring pages, activity sheets, games, additional questions and ideas to engage with the Bible story further at home with your child.
“Jump and Leap”
Sit in a large circle (having enough space between one another) and set a pillow in the middle of the group. Explain that at any moment you will play some music and that when they hear the music, they should jump up and leap to the center of the circle. Whoever reaches the pillow first wins that round. Sit back down in the circle and begin again.
Say: When you heard the music, you all jumped up and leapt toward the center of the circle for the pillow. This reminds me of today’s Bible story. We will learn how a man experienced power that caused him to jump up and leap for joy.