Read the Story from the Bible together as a family.
After you have read it, watch the Bible Story Video during the Sunday Kids Service. Questions will include conversations about the Bible story to allow you and your children to reflect on the biblical truth and share your thoughts about the video with each other.
Included are coloring pages, activity sheets, games, additional questions and ideas to engage with the Bible story further at home with your child.
Sunday, February 9th
1.What was your favorite part of the video we just watched?
2.Have you learned anything about God that surprises you?
3.What makes Jesus different than any other man who lived on earth?
Remind kids that Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners. Tell kids that Jesus faced every temptation to sin, just like we do. But unlike us, Jesus never sinned. He lived a perfect life without sin, which allowed Him to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
4.Why did Jesus make Himself low?
Prompt kids to remember that Jesus is God. Remind kids that even though Jesus is God, He chose to lay down His rights and honor to become a man. Help kids understand that He did this to rescue us from sin. Remind kids that we need a Savior because we cannot save ourselves. Encourage kids to thank Jesus for coming to rescue us from sin.
5.Jesus served us by laying down His life on the cross. How can we serve others and take care of one another?
Answers will vary. Discuss how Jesus is our example of how we should serve and love one another. Remind kids that our hearts are transformed to be more like Jesus when we trust in Him. Prompt kids to think about practical ways they can serve their families, schools, friends, and church. For example, kids can choose to wash the dishes at home or pass out paper for their teacher.
Get Low
Play a game of limbo using a long pole or a broomstick. Play some music and direct kids to form a single file line. Lead kids to go under the pole, lowering it several inches after all the kids have gone under. Tell kids that they must go under the pole with their head back and without falling to their knees. Repeat sending kids under the pole and lowering it until only one kid remains.
Say: “Toward the end of this game you had to get very low to go under the pole. You couldn’t win the game by raising your self higher. Only lowering yourself would help you win. This reminds me of Jesus who chose to lower Himself to rescue us from sin. Even though He is God, He became a man to die on the cross. Let’s learn more about how Jesus suffered for us”