South Shores Kids Online

Your favorite gospel centered Kids material online and ready every Sunday for you and your family.

Step 1. Read the Bible Story and Watch the Video Together

Read the Story from the Bible together as a family.
After you have read it, watch the Bible Story Video during the Sunday Kids Service. Questions will include conversations about the Bible story to allow you and your children to reflect on the biblical truth and share your thoughts about the video with each other.

2. Work on Coloring Pages and Choose an at-home Family Action

Included are coloring pages, activity sheets, games, additional questions and ideas to engage with the Bible story further at home with your child.


Sunday, October 20th
The Disciples Replaced Judas: Acts 1

Talk About it:
  1. What was your favorite part of the video we just watched?
  1. Have you learned anything about God that surprises you?
  2. What can we do when we have to make a decision but don’t know what to choose? Remind kids that the disciples had to make a decision about whether Matthias or Barsabbas should replace Judas. Prompt kids to recall how the disciples prayed to God and asked Him to show them who to choose. Tell kids that God knows everything and that when we pray to Him, He will help us make wise choices that honor Him.
  3. When do you pray by yourself? When do you pray with other people? Answers will vary. Discuss how sometimes we pray by ourselves when we are at school or at home or participating in an event. Share how we sometimes pray with others when we are with our families or our church. Encourage kids to remember that we can pray no matter where we are or who we are with. Explain how prayer is a way we show that God has all the answers and how we ask Him to help us make a decision and live for Him.
  4. The disciples replaced Judas with someone who knew Jesus. How can we get to know Jesus better? Discuss how knowing and trusting in Jesus is the only way to be forgiven of our sins. Tell kids that we can study our Bibles, pray, go to church, and ask parents and adult leaders questions to help us know Jesus better. Share how knowing Jesus better helps us share more about Him with others.

Elementary Family Actions:

Prompt each member of the family to think about someone they know well such as a friend, parent, or sibling. Think about all the different things they know about that person. For example, maybe they know their eye color, favorite color, or what foods they like to eat. Lead kids to raise their hand and tell you one or two things they know about the person they chose.

Say: You really know someone well when you have spent a lot of time with them. You might know your best friend well because you play together often and talk about your lives and interests. Jesus’ disciples knew Him because they had spent three years together traveling and hearing Him teach. They saw His miracles and His death and resurrection. Today, we will learn that when the disciples chose someone to replace Judas, he had to be someone who had witnessed Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.